Our All-In-One Timeclock

Timely Solutions exists to serve K12 school districts by providing timeclocks, scanners, and support solutions for Frontline Education's Absence & Time software.

Our All-In-One Timeclock

Timely Solutions exists to serve K12 school districts by providing timeclocks, scanners, and support solutions for Frontline Education's Absence & Time software.

We serve our school districts by providing:

All-In-One Timeclocks for Frontline’s Time & Attendance Software

Timely Solutions has poured over a decade of experience working with Frontline’s Time & Attendance and K12 school districts into the design of our exclusive all-in-one timeclocks. Whether you order yours with a barcode scanner, RFID prox scanner, wall-mount, or any other configuration… our all-in-one timeclocks will bolster your time collection efforts to make clocking in and out a breeze! (And they’ll make you the hero of your HR, Payroll, and IT departments!)

Plug-and-Play Scanners for Your District’s Laptops and Tablets

Are you just looking to add USB scanners to your existing Chromebooks or tablets? Great! Don’t waste time and money on trial-and-error attempts to try and find a scanner that works. Timely Solutions has the right scanners for you and your Time & Attendance setup… and we’re ready to go when you are! 

Customizable Total Care Support Plans

Our Total Care services go way beyond typical device warranties and returns, and instead provide your district with a holistic support plan – fully covering your Timely Solutions hardware (of course), and adding in-depth, expert guidance and assistance with your Frontline software as well!

Interested in Finding Out More?

We can answer any questions you may have about using our timeclocks & scanners with your existing system.